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Oblong Die No. 60

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Product Details
Can only be used with special punching equipment.
Except for the models:

KBL Optima 900, KBL 20, KBL Optima 20, KBL Optima 100-50, KBL Optima 1100, KBL 25,

KBL Optima 2, KBL Optima 130-70, KBL Optima 1300, KL Optima 900, KL 20, KL Optima 100

KL Optima 1100, KL 25, KL Optima 130, KL Optima 1300, KL 100, KL 160, KLS 1100, HIW 1000

KLSH 900, KLSH 1100, KBLH 1000, HP 1000/760

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Oblong Die No. 60
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